Friso Henstra

Friso Henstra was born in Amsterdam on February 9, 1928.
As the son of a painter, he began drawing at the age of four.

He attended the Rijksacademie van Beeldende Kunsten (Academy of Fine Arts) for two years, where he took drawing lessons, until he was called up for military service in 1948 and spent two years as a soldier in Indonesia.
Upon his return, he took evening classes in sculpture for three years.

He worked as an illustrator starting in 1952. His first drawings were published in the satirical magazine MandrilHet Parool, and the youth magazine Olidin.
He became well known in Dutch schools for his illustrations in the history book Honderd Eeuwen by C. Wilkeshuis.

Several picture books of his have been published both in the Netherlands and abroad, and he also created many illustrations and book covers for various publishers, including Querido, Elsevier, Ploegsma, Leopol, De Arbeiderspers, Het Spectrum, and Wolters-Noordhoff.

In addition, he taught illustrative drawing and life drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Arnhem from 1969 to 1986.

Friso passed away in Amsterdam on September 28, 2013.

Picture books

Various picture books were published, mostly in The United States and some of them in other countries.

In coorporation with writer Jay Williams:

The Practical Princess (1969)
School for Sillies (1969)
Stupid Marco (1970)
The Silver Whistle (1971)
Seven at one Blow (1972)
The Youngest Captain (1972)
Petronella (1973)
Forgetful Fred (1974)
The Wicked Tricks of Tyl Uilenspiegel (1978)

With other writers:

The Round Sultan and the Straight Answer (1970) B.K Walker
The Little Spotted Fish (1975) J. Yolen
Space Cats (1979) S. Kroll
The Terrible Tales of Happy Days School (1983) L.Duncan
The Tale of Caliph Stork (1989) L. Hort
The Tsar and The Amazing Cow (1989) P. Lewis
Pig and Bear (1989) V. Horejs
Pedro and the Padre (1990) V. Aardema
Why Not? (1991) S.A. Hofsepian
The Future of Yen-Tzu (1992) W. Morris
Cynthia and the Runaway Gazebo (1992) E. Marston
The Mouse Who Owned the Sun (1993) S. Derby
The Last Snow of Winter (1993) T. Johnston
Sophie the Circus Princess (1995) S. Claesson

And written and illustrated by Friso:

Wait and See (1978)
Mighty Mizzling Mouse (1983)
Mighty Mizzling Mouse and the Red Cabbage House (1984)

Cricket Magazine

Illustrations for Cricket Magazine.

Cricket Magazine was an American literary magazine for children, founded in 1973.

Original drawings

Prints for sale on Redbubble

Postcards for sale on Kaartje2go


Friso has won several awards for his work.

1969 – Pomme d’or (Golden Apple) at the Biennale d’illustrations in Bratislava for The Practical Princess

1970 – Citation of Merit of the New York Society of Illustrators for Stupid Marco

1971 – A Gold Medal ot the Annual Exhibition of the Society of Illustrators New York for The Round Sultan and the Straight Answer

Stupic Marco and The Round Sultan and the Straight Answer were also chosen to be Top Honor Book at the 22nd Annual Chicago Book Clinic Exhibition

1972 – One of the books of the year of The American Institute of Graphic Arts for The Silver Whistle

1973 – Forgetful Fred and Petronella were chosen for the AIGA Children’s Book Show 1973-1974

1974 – Children’s Book Showcase for Petronella

1976 – Children’s Book Showcase for The Little Spotted Fish

1977 – Plaque at the Biennale d’illustrations in Bratislava for Forgetful Fred

1989 – Silver Medal at I.B.A Leipzig for Mighty Mizzling Mouse

1992 – Golden Pencil for Why Not?